Tuesday, February 3, 2009

House Update and Some Sad News

Well, escrow is moving along on the house. They say by the end of the week it should be back from the underwriters. They usually want this form or that form signed but other than that all should be good. So if all goes well I will have the keys on 2/27! I sure hope so, I am ready for this process to be over with.

Monday afternoon I went over to my mom's house as we were going to go look at the house, while there she told me she had received a call from a long time friend Kim Hegman who told her husband Donald had suffered a stroke on Wednesday and didn't make it. His only chance was surgery and even that was a slim chance. They left him on life support until late Monday night when they were going to do surgery as he was a donor. On Wednesday while in Manteca he called home and told Kim he was having pain in the back of head. While on the phone Kim noticed his speech was getting slurred. She told him to call 9-1-1. By the time she was able to call back and find out he was taken to the hospital they had already medicated him, that phone call was the last time she was able to talk to Donald. I guess he suffered from high blood pressure but refused to take medication as he didn't want to be on medication after seeing how many medications his mother was on. Well, unfortunately he suffered a stoke at the young age of 56. Thoughts and prayers go out to his family Kim, Corey, Kelly and grandkids!

Friday, January 23, 2009

House Update!!!!

Well, I got the call yesterday afternoon that we will open escrow today on the house in Tracy. The seller's bank that carries the 2nd finally agreed to a short sale yesterday. Now comes the loan process. We are hoping there are no troubles there. If all goes well we hope to close escrow by the end of Feb. I hate moving..but hopefully this will be the last time for awhile and at least I wont be rushed to move with in a couple days!! Keep your fingers crossed that the loan goes speedy...

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Uzi Has Arrived!!

And here he is................
Uzi arrived Monday night about 4:30. Karen dropped him off on her way to training. He is the cutest thing! I love his big ears(Grijalva ears as someone put it at work..work joke). His paws are HUGE it is funny to watch him walk with those big things. For the first 24 hours at a new house is has done very well. He slept well in the crate next to my bed. He only barks if he can't see me. He follows me every where I go. I had to bring him to work tonight and leave him in my car since he can't go a whole 10 hours + in the crate with out taking care of business. I am hoping that after I get a pen/dog area set up in my garage that he will do ok in that so Thursday night I don't have to bring him to work. I feel bad for him being locked up in a crate for that long without being able to walk around. Luckly working nights it is slow that I can go out 2 or 3 times and let me walk around for a few mintues and take care of business. Of course Althea and Kalina are already bugging me to bring him to the house every day. I know once I move closer they will be over more but at least it will be easier since I will be closer. He is going to be a spoiled boy...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Uzi Comes Tomorrow!!!

Well, we made it down to my Uncle and Aunt's with no problem. It was COLD to say the least. My sister was her typical self as soon as she saw snow, and of course she wasn't driving. There was snow on the side of the road and it was very cold but it never snowed the whole time. It was VERY sunny during the day. It was nice to spend a couple days down south and see family.

Uzi moves in tomorrow! Karen finally decided I can have Uzi! I am very excited and so are the girls too. Of course once I move closer they will be over all the time just to see Uzi. I am working tonight until 5am and then I will go home and get the house ready for a puppy. Karen says he is into everything...so time to get things out of his reach!

I will post pictures in the next couple of days!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Pictures!!

Here are several pictures from Christmas..

Kalina's school did a Christmas presentation Kalina had fun she loved to sing the songs!!

Kids can't wait to open presents

Kalina got what she wanted..

Althea also got one!!

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas @ Bopmyspace.com

Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone has a great Christmas with your loved ones! Tuesday we went to my Dad's cousins house in Livermore. It was nice to spend a few hours with family we don't see very often. Christmas Eve was spent at Mom's house. I got up and went to the house while they were all at church and had dinner ready by the time they got home. After we ate of course it was present time. The girls got spoiled as usual. I will post photos tomorrow, I don't have my camera with me right now. I of course had to work work and work Christmas night as well. We will leave Friday morning to drive down to Quartz Hill to see my mom's side of the family. Hopefully, there will be no snow. They have been snowed in with in the last week where schools were cancelled for 3 days and Uncle Bruce almost didn't make it home from work because all three ways into Quartz Hill were closed due to the snow.

Tonight while at work I recieved an email from breeder regarding Uzi (the puppy). She asked if I would be willing to take Uzi for a few months. She is going to let me raise him while we wait to see if he will be breed quality. If he is then I will still keep him but she will use him to breed. If not she will sale him since she wont be able to breed him, however she will sale him to me for a low price so I will still be able to keep him! I am so excited!!! Was a nice Christmas present.

Now, I just need good news about the house! On Monday I talked to my realtor and it is still looking really good. The seller's will be able to pay off the 1st on the house, which is GREAT, and the bank that carries the 2nd will be gooding good money, they wont get 100% but they will get better than the average. They are still negotiating with that bank on the final sale price but by the sounds of it I could know next week if they approve the short sale. If they do then it will be just a matter of my loan going through and going through escrow. So hopefully my loan wont hold anything up! If all goes well looks like by late January 1st part of February I will be moving back to Tracy..

Needless to say this last week has had some good news! So hopefully it will contuine. Merry Christmas to all! And be SAFE on the roads if you are driving!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I know it has been awhile since I have done any updates. I was kind of waiting for some good news on a couple things first.

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! All of my mom's brothers made the journey to Tracy for Thanksgiving. Even the one that lives in Oregon, which was a nice change. Their daughter Alana had moved to Palm Springs area this last summer so they wanted to drive to Tracy and she drove up to Tracy so we could spend Thanksgiving together. Only three cousins couldn't make the trip because of work schedules or plans with boyfriends family. Kalina loved having her cousins over..she had sleep over two nights and just thought it was the best thing!

House...well where to start. First off buying a house now with all the short sales out there is stressfull. I have found several over the last couple of months that I have liked. I have even put about 5 offers on different houses just to find out that I didn't get it or that the seller is dragging their feet on signing the necessary paperwork. Well the week of Thanksgiving one listed that was just blocks from my sister. At first I wasn't too keen on the idea of living that close but I went and looked at it. The house is really cute and has pretty much everything I wanted..#1 being a single story..#2 - 3 car garage &/or RV access for the boat..and this has both once cememt would be poured for the boat. So we put an offer on it right away. Because it was a holiday weekend we were hoping not to many people would look at it and the fact that the current renters were not making it all that easy too see the house, I think the main reason is because they have a newborn. So we were one of two people to put an offer on it. We found out last week that we were in 2nd place because the other offer gave the bank a bigger net.. My realtor had typed up a nice letter to the seller and the other seller's realtor. The letter basically said why this house was prefect and why I was trying to move back to Tracy. Well, this morning the seller's realtor called my realtor and gave good news! He bascially put us in #1 spot and kicked the others out. They were very washy and not willing to put down a bigger deposit and a few other things. He kept telling them that he felt I deserved the house more. So all we had to do was sign a new offer to match their price and we would be in #1 spot. So needless to say we are the one and only offer on the house now. And he is no longer showing the house! Now the waiting game starts. Because it is a short sale it takes a bit longer, but we are hoping the bank doesn't take the 60 days they are saying it takes to approve it. I would love for it to only take a couple weeks so by the end of January I would be moving..just to get the whole process done... Well, I am sure everyone is wanting to see pictures. Unfortuantaly the agent selling the house only posted 4 pictures...2 of the front and 2 of the kitchen..so here is all I have for now...

Here is the front of the house. The house sits on a corner so it has a HUGE side yard...I am going to have more grass to mow than I do now.

Here is a picture of the kitchen. It has much more cabinet room than I do now plus a pantry!

Keep your fingers crossed. Hopefully by my birthday I will be all moved in!

As for the puppy. We went and looked at the puppies probably about 3 weeks ago now. The girls wanted me to bring one home then. However, they were not ready. She has since sold one leaving only one left. She hasn't said 100% yet, but it looks like I will be getting one. Kim told me yesterday that she (Karen the owner) has pretty much decided she wants to keep it so then she would give it to me to raise. By keeping it she would be able to bread it later. Her currently male is getting older so she needs another male soon to bread with. Kim did say that the puppy (Uzi - the name I had suggested) is not liking his crate right now and Karen is working on that. Karen is watching Kim's dog while we go south for Christmas, so maybe after Christmas I will get bring Uzi home !

Not much else going on...I don't even want to talk about Christmas shopping. I haven't started yet. Not that I have too many to buy for. Well I do have things for my Aunt's/Uncle's..my last PartyLite party I got several gifts. I have a few ideas for mom. Kalina of course wants EVERYTHING. Althea will probably get a couple games for her new video game (I think my mom got her DSP)... Hopefully next weekend I will be able to get things done. It normally only takes me a few hours because I go once I know what I am getting!