Uzi Has Arrived!!
And here he is................
Uzi arrived Monday night about 4:30. Karen dropped him off on her way to training. He is the cutest thing! I love his big ears(Grijalva ears as someone put it at joke). His paws are HUGE it is funny to watch him walk with those big things. For the first 24 hours at a new house is has done very well. He slept well in the crate next to my bed. He only barks if he can't see me. He follows me every where I go. I had to bring him to work tonight and leave him in my car since he can't go a whole 10 hours + in the crate with out taking care of business. I am hoping that after I get a pen/dog area set up in my garage that he will do ok in that so Thursday night I don't have to bring him to work. I feel bad for him being locked up in a crate for that long without being able to walk around. Luckly working nights it is slow that I can go out 2 or 3 times and let me walk around for a few mintues and take care of business. Of course Althea and Kalina are already bugging me to bring him to the house every day. I know once I move closer they will be over more but at least it will be easier since I will be closer. He is going to be a spoiled boy...
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