Well after two weeks of pain and it not getting better and in fact some ways getting worse I decided to go to the doctor today. He took some x-rays so now I have to wait for the results to come back. The not so good news was that once you injury an ankle it is not like other joints/bones, they don’t heal stronger. So, since I have already had one surgery on this ankle, it is easier to re-injure. If there is no bone damage and it is just soft tissue damage/injury it will take time to heal. For the time being he had me go buy an ankle brace to help support it and absorb some of the shock of walking etc. He said no running, jumping or anything similar for now. He said give it another week or so and then slowly start doing more and just let pain say how much I do etc. Hopefully, he will not call and say there is bone damage. However, this waiting for the soft tissue to heal is going to be long and painful too.
Well, I started looking at houses. Since my dad passed away my mom as been trying to get me to move back to Tracy. I found one I really like, and another one I like as well. The one I really like will probably take longer to hear anything since it is a short sale. The other one I might hear soon on. I just would prefer the 1st house. I hoping I will hear good news on the 1st house soon!
They are too cute! You have way more patience than I have! That is cool about moving back to Tracy! That will be nice for work also! Did you put your house up for sale??
Darling pups! GL with the house. Hope your ankle isn't anything too serious.
Ok, the puppies are adorable, and so are the two nieces for that matter. :-) I'm excited for you that you might be moving closer to your mom. I'm sure that will be good for her.
P.S. The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you: Amanda
2. Post the rules on your blog (this is what you are now reading).
3. List 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up!
Opps. The above comment should say "You've been Tagged" and the tagger is me, not Amanda.
This is why I shouldn't be doing things at 2 in the morning.
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