I have been Honored!!

My best friend chose to honor me today with the "One Sweet Blog Award". I wish I had as much time to blog as she does but even with no school lately I still don't seem to have the time. You would think since I sit in front of a computer at work for at least 10 hours a day at work I would find the time. However, usually when I am work it is veg time if nothing is going on. I usually can't think enough to put things into words for a blog. I will do my best to contuine to blog as much as I can. I would like to pass on the award to my good friend Dave. He has been very supportive with the academy and has even written a paper on how can a 6 foot wall stop someone from becoming an officer (of course I haven't seen this paper yet!) Thank you Sarah and Dave!
Now for an update on the puppy. I now have a chainlink kennel for the backyard, of course it hasn't been put together yet, and a kennel for inside the house. Now I just need the puppy. Last week I talked to the breeder and she was considering giving me a male puppy from a litter that was due on 9/27 (my dad's birthday). However, I received and email from her on Monday stating that unfortunately only 2 of the puppies had survived and she didn't know if she would be able to keep any of them for herself or me. So now I wait to hear if she is going to keep one or if maybe I get the female puppy that is 19 weeks that she currently has or if I have to wait for the next litter. I really want one now but maybe it just isn't the right time still. When it is meant to happen I will get one, at least I have two big items already!
Now for an update on the puppy. I now have a chainlink kennel for the backyard, of course it hasn't been put together yet, and a kennel for inside the house. Now I just need the puppy. Last week I talked to the breeder and she was considering giving me a male puppy from a litter that was due on 9/27 (my dad's birthday). However, I received and email from her on Monday stating that unfortunately only 2 of the puppies had survived and she didn't know if she would be able to keep any of them for herself or me. So now I wait to hear if she is going to keep one or if maybe I get the female puppy that is 19 weeks that she currently has or if I have to wait for the next litter. I really want one now but maybe it just isn't the right time still. When it is meant to happen I will get one, at least I have two big items already!
Work is work..somethings never change there.
Oh, on Monday I went up the ther Sheriff's office for a swearing in ceremony. While there I had made arrangements to pick up an award that the City of Mountain House had given for my dad. Little did I know that I was going to be called up during the ceremony and have the award presented to me. This is something the Sheriff's office has had since May and they just had never brought it to my mom, so I figured since I was up there I would pick it up.

1 comment:
YEAH..another BLOG! You are doing awesome! That is so cool on the award they gave for your Dad!! I know that he was smiling down from heaven!! :O)
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