Well this week started off with a BANG. Monday night I go to John's softball game, like I usually do expect this week I decided to injury myself. One of my formar classmates wife and kid was there as well. After talking with her and playing with their son I decided to go sit back down. Well instead of walking around to my seat I decided to climb over the chairs. See there were people on both ends of the row and I didn't want to bother them yet again. So all is well, until I am not paying attention and move my right foot which is on the front part of the seat, that folds up, leaving only my left foot on the back part of the seat. Well, as you can imgaine my left foot flipped the seat up and went between the seat and the back of the seat. INSTANT pain. Of course this is the same foot I had surgery on back in 2005. I just sat down for the rest of the game in pain, and of course laughing. Not to mention John was too and even had to take a photo. After the game I came to work. I was in pain but at least able to walk on it. Of course if anything touched it I would go through the roof, even my shoe touching it hurt. I iced it and tried to keep it elevated while at work but that is not the easiest thing to do. By the time I got home and was able to get a good look at it I could see it was pretty swollen. I was amazed that that it wasn't bruised. As the week has gone on it is a little better but still hurts. Still very tender to the touch, even a sock. And you know how it goes when you hurt yourself, you tend to hit the "right" spot all the time, which it makes it very hard to sleep. Hopefully in the next couple days it will feel better.
Smith Family Pumpkin Patch:

Today was a fieldtrip day with Kalina's school. When I got to the class the teacher started dividing up the kids to parents. When she got to Kalina she said her and Lilly were going with Kalina's "mom". Kalina became very upset. She started crying and saying she wanted to go with her "Auntie". Kalina ran to me saying she wanted to go with me. The teacher looked at me and I told her I was her Aunt. The teacher felt bad but after it was explained to Kalina she was happy again. I haven't been on a school bus in YEARS. Those seats are not made for tall people. After a drive to Brentwood we finally made it to the pumpkin patch. It was not what I expected. I was expecting something like the one in Lathrop but that was far from it. At times Kalina was bored because she couldn't just "play" but I think by the end of the day she had fun. Of course once she got a hold of my camera she was happy..she loves to take pictures. I can say I was happy there wasn't more walking then there already was as my ankle wasn't having the walking on uneven ground.
You are so not allowed to hurt yourself. Aren't we even on surgeries now?? That means NEITHER of us can hurt ourselves..right??! Too cute on the Kalina field trip! She is getting too big, too quick! :O)
LOL. Your telling me..be worried the last couple days because of it. I have had 3..I thought you were one ahead of me still??? Either way no more!!!!
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